
Learn Programming from the best Programming tutorials, including the most popular Programming online courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs.

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Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Programming Languages (Coursera)

This course is an introduction to the basic concepts of programming languages, with a strong emphasis on functional programming. The course uses the languages ML, Racket, and Ruby as vehicles for teaching the concepts, but the real intent is to teach enough about how any language �fits together� to make you more effective programming in any language -- and in learning new ones.

Coding Starter Kit

From answering the most basic programming questions to helping you figure out which language you should start with and free tutorials, the Coding Starter Kit is your one stop shop to learn programming.

Become a Web Developer (Codecademy)

Go from no-code to an in-demand junior web developer, at a fraction of the cost of a bootcamp. Start with the front-end by learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Then, master the back-end and APIs to round out your full-stack skills.

How to Design Programs: An Introduction to Programming and Computing

This introduction to programming places computer science in the core of a liberal arts education. Unlike other introductory books, it focuses on the program design process. This approach fosters a variety of skills_critical reading, analytical thinking, creative synthesis, and attention to detail_that are important for everyone, not just future computer programmers.

Learn Programming

Learn programming from scratch, and practice in an intuitive environment. Throughout this course, you will learn the fundamental programming concepts.

Learn Web Development

Learn Web Development with Vegibit takes a deep dive into all the fundamentals of modern web development. You'll learn all about HTML, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, WordPress, Laravel, Object Oriented Programming, Linux, and Virtualization!

Deep Dive Into Modern Web Development

Learn React, Redux, Node.js, MongoDB, GraphQL and TypeScript in one go! This course will introduce you to modern JavaScript-based web development. The main focus is on building single page applications with ReactJS that use REST APIs built with Node.js.