
Learn Communication from the best Communication tutorials, including the most popular Communication online courses, videos, books, podcasts, and blogs.

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The Interview

In this subject, students study the processes and skills required for interviewing, focussing on key case studies in literature, print journalism, cinema, broadcasting, and online.

Public Speaking II

This course will help you learn how to prepare to speak publicly, how to research for that presentation, and how to analyze your audience so your speech is spot-on! Public Speaking II will give you practice in public speaking in various speech situations and improve your argumentation and critical thinking skills.

Fundamentals of Public Speaking

Instruction and practice in researching, composing, and delivering formal and informal speeches in a variety of public contexts. In the Game format speakers develop more complex communication skills as they work up through the levels of the game, from citizen, to voter, to candidate and senator.

Freedom of Speech and the Press

In the last 34 years I taught courses on freedom of speech and the press at the University of California at Berkeley, teaching thousands of undergraduates and graduate journalism students about the First Amendment.