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Introduction to Data Science | QuantInsti
Learn data analytics by working on an interesting project. Predict a winning team for English Premier League. Highly recommended for those who want to gain practical knowledge of data science. Learn all important steps such as Data Remediation, Exploratory Data Analysis, Data Modelling and Communicating Results.
Introduction to Machine Learning for Trading
A free course to get you started in using Machine Learning for trading. Understand how different machine learning algorithms are implemented on financial markets data. Go through and understand different research studies in this domain. Get a thorough overview of this niche field.
Python For Trading
An essential course for quants and finance-technology enthusiasts. Get started in Python programming and learn to use it in financial markets. It covers Python data structures, Python for data analysis, dealing with financial data using Python, generating trading signals among other topics
Python for Trading - Basics
A beginner's course to learn Python and use it to analyze financial data sets. It includes core topics in data structures, expressions, functions and explains various libraries used in financial markets. This is a detailed and comprehensive course to build a strong foundation in Python.
Big-O Data Structures
Big-O Data Structures is our first Python course, and its purpose is to teach complex data storage concepts in a simple step-by-step curriculum. Common data structures like linked lists, binary trees, and hashmaps are common topics in coding interviews. After taking this course, you'll be able to confidently answer those questions in order to land high-paying engineering jobs.
Radical Personal Finance
Hi there! My name is Joshua Sheats and I'm here to guide you on your path to financial freedom. I've learned from years of experience as a professional financial advisor what works and what doesn't. I'm here to share with you the proven strategies, tools, and tactics that you need to achieve your goals more quickly and more efficiently.
The Ultimate Guide to Python Type Checking
In this guide, you will get a look into Python type checking. Traditionally, types have been handled by the Python interpreter in a flexible but implicit way. Recent versions of Python allow you to specify explicit type hints that can be used by different tools to help you develop your code more efficiently.